They will even make it possible to find a horseshoe on a flea - Search and Inspection Tools at INTERPOLITEX-2022
The concept of safety is not at the least determined by the timely detection of dangerous objects and the identification of sources of aggressive high-threat environments. Technical means and tools in the hands of a professional allow you to eliminate the cause of danger without waiting for critical consequences.
A significant part of the exposition of the 26th International Exhibition of Means of State Security Provision "Interpolitex - 2022", which will be held at the Crocus Expo IEC (Moscow) from October 18 to 20, 2022, is devoted to the topic of the search and inspection equipment.
Exposition profile
Means of detecting explosives, explosive devices, narcotic drugs and radioactive materials
* Metal detectors and dosimetric equipment, gas analyzers and vapor detectors.
* Linear and nonlinear radar systems.
* Means of detection: based on ionizing radiation, using optical methods of analysis and assessment of psychoemotional state.
* Tools and equipment for detecting electromagnetic fields and radiation.
* Means of detection of combined action.
* Sets of chemical indicators..
Means of visual inspection, search and surveillance
* Endoscopes.
* Optical devices and inspection mirrors.
* Television and thermal imaging systems.
* Night vision devices.
* Kits and accessories for visual inspection.
Within the framework of event business program are planned scientific and practical conferences on the following topics
* Modern trends in the development of inspection and search systems and equipment.
* Transport security and modern passenger screening technologies.
* Prospects for the use of search and inspection equipment in combination with UAVs.
* Areas of use and application features of mobile inspection systems.
Secure your orders on the most stable market: International Exhibition of Means of State Security Provision Interpolitex 2022.